Members of HBI are very active attending and managing periodical national conferences: Agricultural Engineering Conference (held in Godollo at SzentIstvanUniversity), Georgikon Scientific Days (held in Keszthely at PannonUniversity), Ovar Scientific Days (held in Mosonmagyarovar at West-HungaryUniversity). Other national/regional conferences were also organized, e.g. Scientific Day for Crop Production, International Conference for Environment and Water Management Sciences, Land qualification, Land Evaluation and Land Use, Climate Summits.
Members of HBI contributed to the foundation of a special scientific conference namely Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop (held in any town at Adriatic or Alps region). Members attended at regional ISTRO Conferences, held in Czech Republic and Croatia, they also attended at EUROSOIL Conference in Vienna and Bari. Further conferences where our members attended: CIGR, ESA, SA (in Croatia), (Zagreb), Lysimeter Workshops, Scientific Agronomic Day (Nitra), Soil Degradation (Latvia).