A linken elérhető a 2. tartamkísérletek konferencia felhívása:
LINK: LOTEX (2019)
A linken elérhető a 2. tartamkísérletek konferencia felhívása:
LINK: LOTEX (2019)
Dear Colleagues and friends,
At the beginning, I would like to tell thank you for your interest as a member of Working Group (WG) Conservation Soil Tillage (CST).
I would like to share with you some basic information and my thoughts about WG CST
As member of ISTRO board I initiated establishing of WG CST with two main intention, to promote conservation soil tillage (primarily in scientific societies) and make better close-connections among scientists.Main activities or results of WG CST will (or could can) be:
In the name of Secretary Daniel Plaza Bonila and personal
I wish to all of us many success and prosperity in our future activities
Danijel Jug
Full professor
President of CROSTRO (HDPOT)
Az alábbi linken megtalálhatják az ISTORINFO következő számát.